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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the DCVS located? 

323 West Selma Street, directly behind Dothan Preparatory Academy.

Does the DCVS provide transportation?

No. Parents and students must provide their own transportation to all required and extracurricular school functions, including on campus classes, academic support/tutorial sessions, Dothan Tech classes, dual enrollment classes, athletics, band and clubs events.  

Can students come to the DCVS any time?

No. Students may not come to the site at any point of the day without teacher or administrator approval arranged in advance. 

When are students required to come to the DCVS site?

Students will be required on site for state-mandated assessments. 

Students who are failing to maintain adequate progress in the DCVS will be required to attend on-site remediation until the student has made satisfactory progress.

Does the DCVS provide lunch?

No. The DCVS will not provide lunch to students. 

What does my student do after being enrolled?

First, check the student's DCS email, and you will see invitations from teachers to join class via Zoom/Google Meet; second, check the class schedules on this website under "Academics"

What if the student's login does not work?

Complete the Technology Support form under "Latest News" on this website.

How is attendance taken?

Students are required to Zoom daily with teachers. Wednesdays, or WINdnesdays (What I Need), will be asynchronous which means students will work on assignments independently. However, Wednesdays will also allow for students to connect with teachers during their office hours and/or possibly attend the Academic Cafe. Students must have teacher-approval before coming to the DCVS campus. Teachers reserve the right to require a meeting time via Zoom. These days are subject to change and will be announced. 

What do I do if my student is absent?

Unexcused and excused absences will still apply similar to the traditional school setting. However, you may email the secretary the excuse. Also, communicate with all teachers as you would in the traditional setting to obtain make-up assignments.

Can students switch to face-to-face learning?

As of August 2, students who are enrolled in The Dothan City Virtual School will have the option to attend their zoned school face to face at the end of the first semester on January 12, 2022. 

How will students interact socially?

Students will have the opportunity to join various clubs at a later date. Club sponsors may choose to have Zooms or for students to come in person to take part in club activities while maintaining social distancing.

What is the DCVS Academic Cafe?

The Academic Cafe’ is located in the DCVS, and it will be open to all virtual students for tutoring, study groups, and  club meetings.  Appointments to use the Academic Cafe’ for tutoring and study groups must be made with the student’s teacher.  

What learning management system is used?

Edgenuity will be the main platform to be used by DCVS teachers. A link to Edgenuity is in the resources section of this website. Teachers will use the platform as a textbook while incorporating other resources for lessons and assessments. 

How do I see my student’s grades?

Always check the PowerSchool Parent Portal in order to find out what your student has made on assessments. The learning management system, Edgenuity, will have an average of each subject posted, however, Edgenuity is being used as a resource or textbook which means teachers may only use certain lessons and assignments while incorporating other resources/assessments to be placed in Google Classroom. The best way to find out your student’s average in all classes is to monitor the PowerSchool Parent Parent Portal. 

How do I schedule a parent-teacher conference?

Call the DCVS secretary at 334-794-7444, or email the teacher in order to schedule a parent conference. 

Will DCVS seniors walk with Dothan High School seniors at graduation?
